A little over a month ago, after having high blood pressure his whole life, we found out that Nixon needed to have heart surgery. I wish we would’ve found it when he was younger, but we always chalked his high bp up to the fact that he hated to go to the dr… It turns out that his Aorta was mostly closed off and always had been, and that’s what was causing his blood pressure to be high. Because of this he needed to have surgery to put in a stent and open the Aorta up. Thankfully, they were able to do this through a catheter and not have to cut him open. The whole process from finding the problem to fixing it went pretty fast and we are so grateful that everything went really well. Nixon was so brave and so positive through it all, and we are so glad that we found the problem before he got any older. He is a great kid and we hope this makes him feel so much better!
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