Monday, May 13, 2019

Two Trips to the Airport on the Same Day

Early last Monday we went to the airport to see Nana and Bumpa off on their mission to England. It was so hard to say goodbye to them, as we knew that it would to help cheer up the kids (and ourselves) we surprised them with a trip to Disneyland. We waited to tell them until we had left the airport with sad kids and were headed to breakfast in Salt Lake. They were shocked and excited, and it was a great way to help dry up their tears. It was so hard to pull off a surprise like this (and we only had to keep it a secret for 3 weeks) but their reactions were definitely worth it...So, after breakfast we went back out to the airport and headed to Disneyland. We had a great time together and made some fun memories as a family. The older kids were super brave and went on almost all of the rides. Finn on the other hand was the biggest wimp ever and hardly went on anything ( I swear we are leaving him home next time). Still, we all had fun and enjoyed our week off together! I just love this family of mine!

1 comment:

  1. That is soooo fun! I love the surprise. Someday I hope I can pull off something like that! :)
