Monday, November 24, 2014

San Fransisco

Last week I got to accompany Jordan to San Fransisco for a few days while he attended at conference for work. It was soooo hard to leave my little ones, but it was nice to have some time to ourselves (thanks to our awesome parents!). At first the city was too much for me. I thought I would get lost and I was scared to go out on my own. After studying a map for a while I got it figured out and ended up feeling pretty comfortable with it. One thing is for sure after visiting a big city, it really makes me appreciate my home even more! I love living in Utah! We had a really great time and we were able to see and experience a bunch of historic things. Not to mention lots of great food and tons of shopping! It was a lot of fun!

We had to document our insanely expensive $6 orange juice!


Union Square

I love Target!

Notes from our sweet daughter :)

(she's been teaching herself cursive!)

The Ferry Building

Lombard Street

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! We would love to go there someday, but it's nice to hear that Utah is pretty good too. :) What a nice little getaway!
