Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I feel like such a slacker! It feels like summer has barely begun,  and really it is nearly half over! We havent done very many of our "usual" summer activities this year. In fact, we havent done much at all lately. I guess having a new baby will do that to you. I just hope my other two monkeys are having a good time and making some good memories even with all the time spent playing at home. I know I am. I love being a mom to these three cuties! Here is some of the stuff we have done and some pics of my sweet baby boy growing way too fast....as usual.

Finn is now only using oxygen at night! It makes things so much easier! We cannot wait until he is completely "tube free". I think hes getting close and its a good thing because he HATES it!!

Boston recently wore "dangley" earrings for the first time, and she loves them because I keep telling her she looks "like a teenager". I cant believe my girly is so grown up!

We took the kids on a fun little  hike a couple of weeks ago. I feel like the worst mom ever because I fell carrying Finn! Luckily, I landed so i was the only one who got hurt, but i felt so terrible!

Nix found a great spot to store his used pullups :(

He also reminded us how much he loves rides, at Art City Days

Nix decided he could get closer to Finn if they were wearing matching clothes. He still doesnt get close enough to touch him, but atleast he he is close enough for a pic :)

"Batman Buddies"

This boy cracks me up!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, your little Finn is precious! I love the matching brother outfits. Also, his birth announcement was adorable! I was so excited to get that, and my girls stared at it for a full 20 minutes. Seriously. :)

    I love Nixon's face on the ride! That would be my kids for sure. :) And Boston is beautiful, just like her mom.

    Hope you're getting some sleep!
