Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Peach Days

Peach Days was fun as usual. The weather was nice this year......other than the fact that we got rained on, but at least it wasn't super hot! We had a great time playing with cousins and enjoying the festivities!

They made it around the Ferris wheel one time before they pulled them off because of the rain

Obviously Nixon loves rides. I couldn't even get him on a horse

We got to watch this little cutie most of the day Saturday. She is adorable!!

The day ended on a sour note when we got a call that Mom and Dad Walkers yard was flooding. It was crazy how much water and mud could end up at their house so fast! Luckily it didnt make it inside the house, but it is so sad all the damage that it did to their beautiful yard.

1 comment:

  1. You guys were much more festive than we were this year. :) Wish I could have seen you!
