Thursday, August 1, 2013


July flew by so fast, and I never got around to posting any of our pictures. So, here they are in one BIG post.  This summer is crazy, but we are having a great time!

The kiddos are pretty good at entertaining silly!

Nixon loves talking on the phone even if there is no one on the other end.  This "phone call" lasted 20 minutes. He was "calling" daddy at work.

Boston dressed up as "my favorite kind of Coke".....Diet of course!

This kid might not be ready for markers :)

He LOVES Legos!!!

Boston was practicing to be a cheerleader. She kept yelling "Give me a B, Give me a Y, Give me a U!!!"

Boston was pretending to be a wolf

 We have had lots of fun with friends:

These two are so stinkin cute together!

We helped Nana AND Bumpa celebrate their 60th birthdays:

We celebrated Pioneer day by having a indoor picnic for FHE and watching "17 Miracles"

We did lots of chores....the kids loved it! :

Nixon finally caught on to why me and Boston like making cookies :)

The first product of our garden

Boston made her own bed (I usually do it). I think she needs a few more pillows...LOL

It's been a great month!!

Bring on August!!!

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