Monday, July 1, 2013


We had such a fun June, but it was soooo busy!  I used to think that summer was filled with lazy days hanging around the house, but boy was I wrong!  With all the craziness we had such a good time, here is some of our summer fun so far:

Art City Days

 Silly kiddos :)

We got to meet Uncle Brandons new and so ADORABLE puppy

The Findlays came and stayed with us, and we had a really fun day together

We tried unsuccessfully to interest Nixon in potty training

Boston got her long time dreaded "Kindergarten shots"

We went to see "Monsters University"

Nixon was so excited to go that he couldn't sit still and we ended up missing most of the movie. Atleast he thinks he's seen it  :)

All this fun has made us sooooo tired!

We can't wait for more!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun summer so far! I totally agree with you summer was so laid back as a kid as a mom I feel like I'm running the moment I get up to the moment I go to sleep. Mikey has the same owl as Boston has on her bed. We call him Owen and Mikey just thinks he is great!
