Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Back to School

Bos and Nix have now gone back to school. Boston started third grade on 8/22 and Nixon started Kindergarten on 8/29. It sure is different having them gone everyday....although it is kinda nice that Nixon is gone during nap time so I do get to enjoy a few minutes of quiet. Still, the reminder that my kiddos are growing up breaks my heart and I miss them like crazy while they are gone. I hope they both have a fantastic year!

Finn wanted in on the action too :)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The End of Summer

And just like that, summer is over. August is always one of the busiest months for our family and this year was no exception. We spent the last few weeks of summer having a lot of fun. Boston and I got to spend a really hot day together at Lagoon, we celebrated Birthdays and our Anniversary, Boston had swimming lessons, got ready for school to start and played as much as we could with the summers days we had left... this year we even added in Finleys surgery and sold our house! It was a pretty crazy month, but we definitely have some good memories to show for it.