Thursday, April 28, 2016

Finns Second Birthday

For Finns Birthday I took the boys to the "Bean Museum" during the day where they lasted about 45 minutes tops. After dinner we had family...and some of our Sesame Street friends over to help us celebrate. Finn is such a fun boy and he makes us so happy. We had a blast celebrating his birthday with him, and I think he had fun too :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

2 Years Old!

Happy Birthday to this handsome 2 year old! Finn brings so much joy to our family! He is the happiest, sweetest, little teaser ever. He truly is our sunshine! Happy Birthday Mr. Finners!!! We love you!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Spring Break in St George

Last week for spring break we got to spend a couple of days in St George with the Banks Family. It just so happens that when we headed south for warmer weather the warm weather headed north and it was actually nicer at home than it was down there. Still, we had a great time and made some fun memories!