Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Our little writer

Boston is getting so good at reading and writing. I am constantly impressed by her! I love to read the things she writes. She is so creative and she is such a good girl! Here are a couple of her most recent:

She wrote this note to the tooth fairy after having a tooth pulled at the dentist.

Some goals she set for herself.

Boston made this with Jordans help for "family week" at school. It ended up being one of the four winners from the entire school, and Boston won a certificate to take her family to dinner at "The Pizza Factory"....Way to go Bos!!

A growing baby and other stuff

Again this post is random. My kiddos are growing so fast I'm just trying to post enough to document it. I wish I could slow down time. I love this stage of life so much! Even on the hardest days there is nothing I would rather be doing. I love love love my family!!

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Batman Birthday

We celebrated Nixons birthday with a "Batman" party since he is totally obsessed with him. He started out the day opening presents from mom and dad. Afterwards grandma and grandpa came down to help with Nixons first "friend" party! I tried to be organized and plan games and such, but I soon learned that that many 3 and 4 year olds would much rather play with toys...so I let them. Nixon had a lot of fun, and we now have nearly every "Imaginext" toy he could possibly want :) We ended the day going to dinner at "Pizza Factory" with Nana and Bumpa. He is one loved little boy!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Nixon!

Our very own super-hero is 4 years old today! Boy, how the time flies!!  We are so blessed to have this little guy in our family. We love you Nix!!!