Thursday, November 29, 2012


This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for, especially our wonderful families.  They are so selfless and loving.  They are there when we need them and support us through anything and everything.  I cannot imagine where we would be without them.  I love love love my family.

This year we spent Thanksgiving at grandma and grandpas up in BC

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Fun!

We have had a blast with all the Halloween activities going on in the past week. We had all kinds of things to do from birthday parties, pumpkin walk (kinda lame), Nana's Halloween party, dance, school, and Trick or Treating.  It has been a busy week, but so much fun!

This wasn't Bostons "real" costume, but it worked great for all the pre-Halloween parties.

This cute little Woody wanted nothing to do with his hat or boots that I made him.  Such a stubborn little man :)

This cutie loved her cute!

The only way to get Nixon to hold still  is to give him a phone :)